"Saya pilih untuk tenang," kate Prof Dr Muhaya

Seriosuly, though, it was on the tv..
Couldn't recall when,
What's more important is,
The keberkesanannye to my self.

I mean,
Workin' on our own pleasure, eventhough I do makin' moola now,
But, I just cannot be like peeps around me.

I am upset,
For instance,
So, should I show off my upset~ness?
Am I that childish?
I dunno..

It's true that I sit and relax currently,
But remember,
I'd worked before,
Where those jobs require me to stand for straight twelve(12) hours a day.
Hopin' a customer to get interested in my way of sellin' products.
Encounterin' those inhumane species.
Still, I prefer to remember those memories, where the customer were so friendly and cool.
I mean, who doesn't face any hardness in their 'journey?'
Plus, wif the non-solah-first-kinda-boss and teammates,
That was the hardest part among everythin'.
They are way too old, for me to,

"Jom solat."

"Jom solat."

"Jom solat."

Oh c'mon,
Just dun.........

I worked wif money-oriented kind of peeps.
Why do I type like that?
B'cos, all they think were,

Sales, sales, sales.

You know who you are.

I'm workin' on my vlog.

But, I dun blame uol for that,
Cos I understand that, at one moment,
Yeah Moola is so important.

Moola is for fillin' up gas for vehicle.
Moola for touch 'n' go. top up.
Moola for photocopyin' customer's I/D.
Moola for lunch after no-customer since the morning.
Moola to buy umbrella, since the rain suddenly drops at the speed of Bull's Eye(Toy Story 3 Character), durin' the waitin'-for-customer moment.
Moola for boola(*tiada kaitan)

As time passed by,
My most recent job, was the best, I couldn't deny on that.
But I was cursed and all, plus, were asked to groom myself, to wear Modern Bajoo KooRung,
*middle fin*er, please.
I will elaborate some of my thoughts on my life as an employee in the vlog later.

Since my view counts almost reach 2k in no time, thank you my dear readers.

Only God will reply all your effort to have some 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'-kinda writin' to be planted in u guys brain.

I'll try my best to not makin' a syok-sendiri and self-centered kinda of writin. (and talkin, later in vlog)..

P/S: Dr. Bromeley, I'll send to you first before I upload for public all my pieces k.
Thank you so much Dr.
I LAP U lah....

Again, to all my reader,
As writin' and talkin' are in two different leagues,
All I can promise for now is,
I might pissed some individuals,
But trust me,
My way of speakin',
I dun practice personal attacks, since I know how is it feel to be treated like one,
But maybe, I'll act sarcastically.
Still, since I think that I know myself,(maybe la tahu sgt pasal diri senirik kan....haha)
I'll work the hardest to speak stuff, generally.

And maybe,
you guys can gimme some Q for me to answer.
Personal Q also acceptable.

But remember, the project(Vlog) isn't consist only me,
Dr. Bromeley was my previous BEL lecturer in UiTM Sarawak, and I happen to still kipintach(Tn Andy, 2013) wif him, and he still remembers me.
Can check his out at his personal Facebook page:
And not only him, I have Nur Shafina, My diploma~mate, who'll be my pengawas where she'll be advice me from the eyes of the general viewer.(We planned this like since last year, so, I think we're quite ready now, InsyaALLAH.)
Check her out at her personal Facebook page too at here:

Be yourself in a way that won't hurt anyone~else.
If it's hard,
Time will heal.

God's Will.

Nur Syazwani Binti Ghani

*Just in case peeps might think I kept refreshin' the page since the earliest bird.


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