Impian duniawi saye buat masa sekarang

Number 1.
FAIZ for my baby GY Co.

And for myself,

Number 2.
ROKA for the sake of SELFish~ness.


Number 3.
Mercedes S-Class for a brother who gave his whole-heart~ed to his high demand-lil sis.
*upDATED on 2200 hrs 041013: Tgk lah bile2 senang. lalalala~

Time Frame: 13 years=156 months =4680 days =112320 hours =6739200 minutes =404,352,000 seconds

countin' from now.

Toyota Estima for Le Ghani's
*Updated 1440 hrs, 130913: TAK PAYAH, CANCEL SAMPAI KIAMAT!



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