ahli syurga di rumah saye

"Achik, Mama achik takde rase cam takut eh, nak ade anak lain?"
"Nape pulak, Su?"
"Ye la, anak yang kedua dah istimewa, kadang-kadang orang takut ke, ye la, pisang berbuah dua kali."
"Ouhhh.....hmm......ntah la Su, Achik je anak ke lima, bawah Achik, sampai ke lapan dah haa.."
Then both of us, " Hahahahahahaha."

Syafiq Syukri Bin Ghani

'Syafiq' for "Sya" legacy
'Syukri' given by arwah Tok for "Syukran@Syukur@Grateful".
The only son with no Mohd@Muhammad.

"Nanti, Chae nak jaga Apik(Syafiq nicks) besar nanti."
"Tak, Noni yang nak jage." monologue alone.

"Nanti, kat akhirat, Apik akan tarik 7 orang yang die sayang."  Mama once said.
So, at some time, each siblings would act nicely towards him,
Whereas, SOMEtimes too, we(both parties, Apik and us) could be very violent wif each other.

'To think again, that's what normal siblings do.
We treat each other as a human.
We have happy, sad, rage, lazy(eh!?) and Et Cetera.

These days, with the fast development in technology,
Apik also has his own social network. You name it, he has 'em all.
But I have to admit that I removed him from my friendlist, because of somethin' that is unnecessary to be told.
*serabut faham tak?ahahaha..nampak kurang sabar di situ. :)
But, at least, I treat him o.k~ly in real world, so, who cares. :p

In real life,
One can clearly see his Autistic Behavior,
His everyday routines, are just almost the same.

He performed solah rite on time, with Twitter as his reminder, while his splashed-water sound from amik air sembahyang in the washroom is OUR(the so-called normal peeps at home) sign of 'dah bang'.

Mama: Da masuk waktu belum??
Kitorg: Rasenye tadi dah bunyi splash-splash air kat atas tadi...
Mama: Hmmm..ok.

He even did terawikh alone, durin' last Ramadhan, and even tak puas hati with me, playin' the computer.
"Apik! Noni nak buat sembahyang malam la...." *if only I could tell him directly like that. hehehe.

He is my food judge at home too.
When he LIKES, he gimme a 'thumbs-up' sign, and so........vice versa(siap kene marah lagi..hahaha....sumpah lawak, can ask Momel who witnessed everythin'.. >.<)

This year, he is 28 years old.
Adorin' Siti NorDiana and Bienda, last time was Siti Nurhaliza, but since she's married, he just doesn't want to ruin anybody's relationship, I guess.

He writes well,
He even knows Japanese writin'.
He loves Kinokuniya, KLCC, buyin' Japanese manga(in Hiragana).
He studied thru internet.

My parents sent him to school when he was 11 years old, but after 3 months of schoolin',
He wrote,
"Cikgu b*d*h."
So, he stopped study, after he manages to read and write.
I still remember, when we went to school, in Bangsar Baru,
I saw him screamed to his classmates in Kelas Khas,
Cos he didn't like to be surrounded with 'orang cacat'.
He always thumbs-down everyone in his class.
*Sumpah dasar tak sedar diri. Hahahaha..

It's not that we treat him not nicely,
He hates sympathy.
He does everythin' on his own.
Only stuff like washin' his own dishes, aaaaaa, such stuff cannot la..but if I asked him, still he'll do it.
It;s just that, he won't do it on his own initiative.

His left-region-part of body, is quite weak, as Mama told us,
When he was 2 months-old, he fell from meja makan.
And from that incident,
He lost his hearin' ability, too.
He naturally, can't speak.
But, he sees thing usin' a pair of glasses.
*Dah klu main komputer tu, klu bole mate tu lekat kat screen..mane tak rabun...hahahaha


So, seven people that he likes and loves...

1. Mama
2. Abah
3. Atuk
4. Tok Ki
5. Opah
6. Nenek Syafiah(the reason we all have "Sya" in our initial)
7. Unknown.

Only one more empty spot!!

Ok, peeps, gotta go to bodek him!

*Or if any of you want to take the spot,
Join me bodek~ing him.


Su and Achik at Angah's Open house Raya.2006.


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