kata ganti nama diri

Aku, Kau, Saya, Kamu, Awak, Dia, Kita, Kite, etc.

I was once, got so emotional that I almost cried(OUT LOUD, hokeh, bukan yg tersedu2 tu..ape kelas...) when Abah accidently used "kau" to call me.
I felt so hurt, that I thought that word was the 'keras'est thing ever.

Back in 1996, when I studied at Bidor, Perak. I can still remember clearly, I used "saya" and "kamu". I think it's common to use that as a pure Perakian.
But at 1997, Abah brought us to Bangsar Baru, KL, and that's when Ya and I met very often.
She used to stay at our place after school-time until Mak Long done her job at TNB, daily.
She was the one who used "kite" "awak" at the first place, but as far as I remember, she never asked me to do one, too, instead, I was influenced(D*MN! such a follower...urrgghhh).
But currently, she uses "saya", and how can that do justice to me?

"Aku" "kau" are too harsh for my mouth, whatelse to use that to callin' friends!!
I did tried, but it never work.





"Aku nak makan."
"Kau tak sihat ke?"
Oh dear.............it sounds like lookin' for gaduh, instead of showin' some care.
"Kite nak makan." aaaaaah.....isn't that sound nicer. *smile alone

My lil bro once asked me, since he witnessed the conversation between me and my beloved squad,
"Noni, kalau ngan kawan laki pon gune 'kite' 'awak' eh."
Then I said, "Ntah, tak perasan pon."

Maybe, I did used those so-called harsh sound words, once in a while.
But, in a very little amount..very very very little.

I dunno, if, peeps seen it as sumthing weird or geli, but should I take note on that?
Thinkin' of others perception?

*Only to those younger and elder, I refer myself as "saya", Noni, and, titew, titew lorh~~


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