ashkarkah saye? - Siri IV -

"We are RMAF Reserved Officer Training Unit,
We never cheat,
We never lie,
We never steal,
And we never tolerate among us,
Once who does it."

Since I manage to memorized 'em in less than 5 minutes back in Latihan Lanjutan Feb 2008, at lobby, asked by Tuan Mad(Khairil Kamal), to show in front of Tuan My heart (Mohamed Noor Hafidz ), Tuan Sweet (Mazwan Jamil )  and others(can't recall), but basically, as far as I remember, all the Frontstreet Boya members were there, I think la.

My biggest challenge was, not the vows, but how much I had to cope my fan~girlin' attitude, in front of these good-lookin' guys~ as they were One Direction peeps.
And of course,
I succeeded.

Shall I do sum change? n5ive #style and #swag

" Imma RMAF Reserved Officer Trainin' Unit,
I never cheat,
I never lie,
I never steal(seriously, though)
I never lose respect to the one and only my adjutant, Tuan Arrizal Zakaria,
I never interfere other squad's biz,
I never back-stab own squad and all the rest of Serapi 4's residents,
And I hell no tolerate among 'em,
Once they do/did it."


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