ashkarkah saye? - Siri II -

"Serious ke ape aku buat nih???? Memang la aku tahan berjoggin' mende alah tu sume.....tapi.....mental aku camane??????" inside monologue.

"Ma, Noni masuk PALAPES."
"D*ng, nape mama tak halang....boleh la jadikan reason tak restu......", sayin' to self.

"Tige minit, tukar PT itam", Tuan B said.
-Siap in 2 minutes and half-
"Oii, cepat la skuad!!!"

Btol ke aku buat ni....btol ke???????? Camane aku nak study kalau aku stress????????

"Puan, saye nak quit." at the laundry, Seri Serapi 4A level 3.
"Kau ingat senang-senang je nak keluar?" said E.
"Kau dah angkat sumpah tau." she continued.

D*mn......i just really couldn't when things gonna involves with peepS.
"Jangan menyusahkan orang lain." Mama always say that.

Those flashbacks are so random, but basically, everthin' that mentioned were happened durin' the first semester of my diploma.

"Err, saye nak quit lah, takut tak leh study."
"Eh, kitorg ni sume DL, ok je."


Thanks for 'helpin' in my decision-makin' , Tuan Syukor and Tuan B. *duh~

So, durin' this period, I wasn't really focus on anyone, except for my risau, serabut about the decision of enterin' this ROTU stuff.

I hate those military classes. Cos, I can't apply any Nickleodeon nor Disney nor Cartoon Network images in my head.
I always wonder what the heck was 'rusuk kiri', the bulat-bulat pix consistin' rifle, bantuan and tinjau stuff....
*Oh my

And so, the day that we had to apply every knowledge we were taught durin' the whole first semester was arrived.
Ok ok..bla bla...doin' fatigue...yeah yeah.....last minute of 'Secret code' syllabus by Tuan Saidi in the Surau.
bla bla.....I did lied to one Officer, as I was asked to back up my Inter girls....
*If any of u remember.
But these was what I get, instead of an appreciation,
"Uuu, Wani ni tak boleh dipercayai nih."
Konpius aku, mentang-mentang la I looked so blur and stuff, sedap mulut je cakap.
But issoke, she is my CUTIE-pie Inter Girl, so, whatever u had ever done to me, will be automatically forgiven, Puan. You know who you are, tinggi-tinggi..."I'll try" yell, remember? Durin' the Sukaneka of Latihan Lanjutan Feb 2008.
bla bla bla......and so, I entered the hutan for the very first time.
Day 1...Day 2....Day 3....
bla bla....steyr was rampas~ed, and denda stuff..tent was broke into two, as the rainwater dropped too heavyly...

Day 4

Peng, the current Ketua Plaatun said, "Wani, aku nampak name kau Ketua Platun pas ni."


The world around me was like, STOPPED.
My body, experiencin' a reality-check.
I swallow my saliva, like, there's no more fluid in my body.
My facial expression, I still remember, some voices sayin', "Keep smilin' and act cool Noni, dun show ur weakness, and everythin' will be alright."

The first action I did was, went back to G and mine joint tent(Budak Gedix tent),
Grabbed the Blue book.
Read, and learn.

'Kawad Tempur Seksyen'

'Lompat katak formation.'
'Ulat bulu formation.'

How the hell do they reallywork??? Why not even a lil Nickelodean come to my brain. I wasn't even focus in class.
I was so stressed that I stop talkin'.
I was so sure that, it must be Tuan Saidi's, cos he's been hintin' me since the first day.
"Wani ko ndak masak nasik ka?"
"Saye suke bubur, tuan." Aih..banyak lak soalan.........perut sape nak kene isi nih??
"Sempat ka ko siapkan khemah ni?"
Rite at that time, if I was bein' myself, I would repky, "Tuan rase?"
I wasn't that stupid to jatuhkan my own reputation, though.
So, "Sempat, tuan."
*Tuan, Wani just bein' honest in my writin' ye, Tuan jgn marah ye...

And so, the substitution moment had finally came.

"Alex! Runner."
"Atong! Penolong Ketua Platun."
"Ketua platun! Wani." ,
yelled Tuan Saidi.

Wif a poker face, I sarungkan the Ketua Platun apulet and that thing needed to be sarung~ed on my arm, I couldnt recall what do they called it, Arm-band? AAaaaaaah yeah, arm-Band.

My mind was so, Z.E.R.O.
My face was wearin' a S.M.I.L.E.

I remember clearly(actually, I was overly thinkin', though, no prrof pon..heh heh), how evilish was the officer(Tuan Saidi lew) facial expression.
So, me and Peng, exchanged the apulet and the arm-band
And so,

Annual Camp 2007,
UiTM Kota Samarahan.


How was that even possible?
The blur.
The gedix.
The know-nothin'.
The never give arahan to squad except for the time when I took the baris.
The poy.....cop, time ni tak berape nak tunjuk2 The not so poyo.
The........Et Cetera as how you like.

I felt like terjun into the river and let myself hanyut forever.

I couldn't really recall what happened next, but, in the evening, like what I had expected,
we had to practice the Kawad Tempur Seksyen.

And my mind was busy thinkin', how the hell are 'Ulat Bulu' and 'Lompat katak' formations must be executed.
My brain worked the fullest, as I only remembered a very lil' part of it, as we did practiced 'em before, wif Erna as the fake-ketua Platun, durin' Latihan Tempatan before.
I have the pix for proof! :D
Later I post...

So, no wonder I forgot almost everythin'!
I love takin' pictures!

:D and :|
Yeah, thanks Noni.
You really made PKW (U) Nur Syazwani Binti Ghani workin' like sh*t.

"Lompat katak!"

Zaaaaaaap! On the buttocks~

"Mie, camane nih??? Tolong la kite." I whispered LOUDLY(yeah like u talk like it supposed to be whisper..n...yeah...nvm) to Helmi, who was meniarap next to me, after some commands on Kawad Tempur Seksyen.
But all I saw was, Helmi mumblin' usin' some unknown language.

"Kau buat apa Wani!" yelled Tuan Saidi to me.
Alongside wif him was, Puan Mala, and Puan Onche(the most beautiful Puan I've ever had.)

Ok Noni, be honest, or keep lying.

"Saya tak ingat Tuan!" I said it as loud as possible.

PAP! PAP! PAP (sounds from a wooden stick held by Tuan Saidi) on my buttocks.

So, I chose to be honest, obviously.
"Helmi, ni, bukan nak tolong kite...ishhhhh." I talked to myself.

"Crawl dari sini sampai sana.", Puan Mala ordered my whole 'anak buah'@squad.
While I was standin' waitin' for an order,
"Eh Wani, kau berdiri situ buat ape, boleh kau tengok skuad kau crawl."

And so,
I crawled along wif my squad, only just a lil late behind, on that, road wif a very big, almost fist-sized of rocks, all in white.
I crawled, I crawled.....

And the night arrived............
The very last night, in the hutan, which was also, my very first night as a ketua Platun.

Sumthin' happened...

To be continued.

*Spoiler: Sudahlah Ojan.....Semua orang pon boleh jadi camtu......kah kah kah

So, vlog style~ continued.


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