sakit -Chapter 2-

Love this song so much.

For all my life, I think I was the easiest person to fall sick compare to my siblings. Or perhaps, I was one a very good exaggerator, ahakz. Don't mention about my school attendance, I hate school anyway. It's cool enough that I managed to go to school four(4) times in a week. That's why boarding school was never a choice of mine. I love going to clinic, especially the private one. We know that we pay more for the service, right? So, kinda make useful of it most of the time. How? I didn't sit still and let them inspect me just like that. Usually, I attempted to hold a conversation. I love two(2) ways communication, and they happened to enjoy to have patient like me. *grin

I had a best friend who always listened to all my petty stories, at least once a month while I was in UiTM Sarawak back then. And yeah, he was the UiTM's doctor. If I could have my medical history card with me, I am so sure, you can see the high frequency of my attendance there. Ouh, I just love to talk to him. Sometimes, I even feel pitiful to the patient after me, since I took longer time whenever my turn was up. What kind of story? I was an ashkar remember, I guess, ROTU was a hot stuff back then (R.I.P ROTU UiTM Samarahan). And he seemed to enjoy all things that coming out from my mouth, especially when I told him the weirdness I had to encounter while I was living in that block that full with that so-called ashkar people. So, basically whenever I finished my session, I think he even managed to cure my emotional 'sickness'. After all, we all had this inner issues of our own and talking to people like him, I just felt worthwhile, that's all. They are professionals and trained, plus I didn't have the worry that my secrets might get leaked or something. It's very cool to have these circle of people as my friends. Oh wait! I think, I forgot his name!! Oh man!!! What kind of friend I am, then? Never mind(DUH~). But I still remember, before that doctor, there was this doctor name Dr. Ali. As easy as his name is, but I didn't spent much time with him, what else to have a special bond like with the latter doctor. *smile
It's good to have a listener. (Hoping that he and the rest of his family is doing well, AMIN)

I still remember, during my 5th semester break there, I think it was on September 2009, where H1N1 was so viral. And me and my squad just came back from our usual 2 days and 1 night outing at Kubah National Park, Kuching, and I think almost three-quarters of us got sick. A serious one. So, yeah, obviously we all went to see the UiTM doctor thinking we might got infected with the virus. I even thought that I could die at anytime sooner. But, Alhamdulillah, here I am still typing this entry. But, the doctor was so funny, that he even came out from his office and met us, the patients at the waiting site, and suddenly he asked us to do this step-by-step of washing hands while singing a 'Happy Birthday' song. I was laughing like hell, but seriously, he seemed to enjoy his job so much. I just...hahaha. And then, he told us some tips to kill the virus and the way not to spread it. I still remember stuff like, there is a better way to sneeze, and how bleach can do wonders. So basically, again, as the session finished, I went back to my hostel with happy mood. I did whatever he told, and took care of others that got sick too. You see, that's why knowledge is important. I wore my mask, even though not so many had practice it yet, but who cares, I love my body. :D

Back in my school days again, you see, I did hated school so much, especially if I afraid with the teacher (Cikgu Ong, Cikgu Kimia form 4 T~T). My happiness is rather important than knowledge, I guess. Hua hua hua, (padan muke engkau sekarang Noni.) So, there was even one time, where we had to sit for our Mathematics SPM trial, I chose to seek for a doctor. I don't think I was sick that much, maybe I just afraid that I didn't study well that I might get failed.. (Noni? Kan? Ahahahahahhahaha, I hope my mum won't read this) Anyhow, I did an ultra sound, it was a woman business. So, I got to see what's inside my body, and it was a cool experience. Somewhere in me, even thought that I might need to consider about getting into Health Science fields~ But, you see, I am a realistic. I know my knowledge level and my qualification, though. So, yeah I got A2 for my Mathematics SPM *pffft, Math just don't do with me. Hmmm..

Dengue fever. 2005. Shah Alam. I was even admitted into ward. Which hospital? I think it's just enough for me to tell that it was a governmental hospital and it was located in Klang, Selangor. Ring any bell? So, it was because of dengue(seriously, I love to pronounce it as 'deng-goo', har har har). But before the day I got admitted, I had to go through two(2) weeks of 'hell'. Seriously, I was drowsy all the time since I always under drugs influence. I was an exaggerator remember? So, even a slight change in my body temperature, I always requested to get examined by these specialists. Hua hua hua. But this time, I was f***ing serious. My body temperature kept changing low-high. My joints were so sick. My mind was off, like, I didn't even use it already. It was so tiring, and even worst, it's not like I had an exercise or heavy physical movements. I just plain tired. Plus, I went to almost all clinics in Shah Alam, private, government, half-government, and the routine were all just the same. Blood test! Aaaauchh..I felt like my arm was treated like slave. Pity her. I never count the exact amount of doing that routine, but basically, it was more than eight(8) times for that whole two(2) weeks. And I was really hoping that the virus really show himself up! I just couldn't stand the painful of taking my blood out from my vessels anymore. Plus, it means no-school(hua hua hua, until I really got admitted *sigh). One of the memory that my mum kept mentioning until today was, there was this situation, where I, badass~ly, sleeping on the plastic chairs that attached to each other, without giving any thoughts on how many eyes were watching my action. I felt ashamed now. Urgh~

So, I was warded. I don't remember anything else except for had an extreme-diarrhea, empty-headed, gazillion times of blood tests, pitiful-self and chill-nights. That diarrhea was just too extreme, that I remember, the frequency of entering the wash room was as often as about every five(5) minutes interval. And, thanks to the empty-headed, because, I choose not to complain about it, because, even if I complain, I had thought enough that, there's nothing I could do. I mean, the only way to handle the diarrhea was to go to the toilet, wasn't it? So, imagine, for every 5 minutes, I just go to the toilet, despite the distance between my bed and the toilet were like very far, you know, so far. *sigh. Pity me..... Every morning, every afternoon, every evening and every night, my arm would be hijacked by either a doctor or a nurse. They did it, like it was nothing, well, of course it was nothing for them, but one thing for sure, even with that empty-headed of mine, I discovered that, even I was a badass genius, I will never want to be a doctor. I just don't, and that's all. Nurse? Oh my, worst, k. I can tell why, but later. Hmm, I wonder, why  they provide blanket that had holes? And I happened to see that kind, in all hospitals! I mean, isn't that the purpose of calling it as blanket is to make sure that we can warm up ourselves? *sick-look. *sigh. I wonder what's in their mind. You see, every night, oh oh! Not only every night, even during noon, my foot area always experienced this unusual glee, and that blanket was making me become mad, instead of comfort! (Sumpah, rasa serupa tak pakai selimut!!) But since, I am never a complainer, so, I just kept the thought within myself. My in-charged doctor was quite a good-looking(*snorts). And like that, I stayed there for the amount of days and night that I mentioned earlier. I think the worst day was my first day, because, I was transferred there, and the bed weren't enough and at the end, I was placed on an extra bed that attached to some people bed. It was so pitiful moment of my life. I remember of having this thought,

"Noni, dah besar nanti, kerja kuat-kuat, cari duit banyak-banyak, pastu masuk hospital swasta! Sian giler situasi nih!!"

Seriously, my family weren't there yet, and I wonder how did I get there at the first place? Ouh, maybe they sent me, and went back home to get my personal stuff, maybe. Ahahaha. I even started to think weirdly like, I thought they(my family) left me, and they went for shopping. I don't now, I was too emotional, you know~.

But then, when they came, my world was suddenly filled with rainbows and unicorn and err..happiness? Never mind. So, I was taken care by all the girls in my family in rotation. Mama, Kak Yong, Mimie and Ija. Cool aite? The guest were Mak Cu's family who brought me a Crab soup and Pak Uda's family. Pak Uda gave me Gamat(Sea Cucumber) gel, the edible one. And Mama started to do research and stuff, you know, and that's why Mum's always right. Hahaha. But I feel sorry toward my guests, because, I never entertained them at all. Plus, I wasn't really a talkative one, back then. But the worst was, I slept. But I think they understood my situation, I hope. To ones miracle, as soon as I consumed the Crab soups(Mama did more for me as soon as Pak Cu said that it can cure my sickness), my platelets level were increased again. If I'm not mistaken, my last platelets reading was below 80 x 10*9/L. It was close too dangerous actually, but you see, Allah s.w.t knows well. So, since my platelets reading kept increasing since then, I was able to get discharged. (But not long after that, my little sister pulak kena, and I happened to had the chance to balas her budi of taking care of me before.)

And yeah, that was I think, my first and last time of getting warded(except that one day, I'll be a mom, in shaa ALLAH). I just hate the needle they placed in my forearm that used to transfer the saline solution into my body system. *sigh. It's painful! And even there was a time, where suddenly my blood got sucked into the transparent wire, and I can see the curly-shaped it formed. Eeuuwww...It was so 'ngilu', man. But, the greatest news of all, I lose so many weight, that I can sit down with my leg crossed, after so many years. Thank you diarrhea. *pffffffffft. 

And later, as I joined ashkar, that was the moment where I stopped from being an exaggerator. It was even come to a suprise that, I didn't even admit that I was sick, even though my body temperature, was as high as the high itself.

"Kau demam ni Wani," said Puan Onche in a very worried manner, but I replied,

"Tak, Puan." confidently.

It was a night in the middle of jungle in Sematan/Lundu(not sure) Camp, Sarawak, and the moments before I was chosen to be the third Platoon Leader. First, it was like a pride that we, the girls squad had hold, I mean, who wanted to be seen as weaker among us, PLUS we just didn't want to be a clown, a literally one, when we were placed at the main quarters that fulls with weird people(there were these bunches of instructors that just loved to randomly ask us to sing or do whatever, I guess, it's just the tradition as an ashkar). And the next thing I remember, during my intermediate year, I got 'treated' by a medical-army(I don't know what they called) named Staf Fu*d, and yeah, that was the moment of truth. Since then, I don't know what is like being sick anymore. Obviously, he was really making a crooked expression, giving me the new idea that, 'being sick is a crime.' Full stop.


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