pengalaman kerja saye di bawah pengurusan orang lain. - Siri III - "Taska Tunas Intelek (2003-2008)"

Well well, let see, there was 'Siri II', please enjoy 'her' first and don't forget to come back, k.


Ok, let's continue..

So, you saw some moments in my life that was managed to get captured with camera. Look at the years stated above and please, if you have time, do count the duration.

One can conclude that, it's not weird if I act childish. Or maybe, childish is so 'yuckie', perhaps, understanding. Hmm..sounds cooler, so yeah, I am a very understanding person. Seriously, these creatures, all of them, love me. We even met last year, and I don't think anyone would be willing to come to me, smiling and all if they hated or scared of me. I know. I know my intention, so, yeah, again, I am a person, with a freaking understanding quality. Not everyone has that, keep that in mind. Oh yeah.


You think I can talk baby language?
Even there was a time, I watched Malaysia Hari Ini(MHI) via TV3 last time, there was this woman, who was a guest in that show, revealed some kinda babies-sound-meaning stuff. Still, I could not practice it with them.
Therefore, with a little of understanding attitude, I managed to assist my mum and a co-worker(I feel sorry towards her until now, later I'll explain), to run this business, can't recall the exact figure, but basically, we had five(5) babies that required full-attention, and more than fifteen(15) toddlers.


Most story in this entry will cover my life after Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM) 2006 until the day I had to further my study in Sarawak, since that was the time when I was totally in charged to operate the business. My mum wasn't allowed to do all the dirty stuff and do less on lift any of these little creatures, and who asked for that? Me. I had enough of seeing her doing all those stuff since she was young. Ouh c'mon, she produced eight kids, remember? Now other's child too? But have to make clear this one first, this is SOLELY my side of story, my thoughts and whatever in MY brain only. I didn't talk much last time, seriously. And that's why I feel a little terrible toward our co-worker. We both share the same age, yet, I never treated her as a friend at all. NEVER. Why? I was in-charged, remember? So, I was having this kinda know-your-place-so-let's-be-PROFESSIONAL kinda mentality. Aahh.....I still remember, there was one time, after done our morning routine, she tried to start a conversation.

"Pagi tadikan, pak cik bas tu.......", I still remember the initial sentence clearly, until this very second. It's kinda regret-effect, aahh, I should have treated her better, if I couldn't be nice, at least.

And what did I reply was, " Ouhh, ok." And that was... that was the only conversation I had with her, though, we worked together from at least January 2007 until June 2006. The rest of the 'chits chats' were only 'covered' with orders, and the kids.

Sorry Aza, Noni memang tak pandai mesra dengan sesiapa yang dinamakan pekerja. Bukan ape, dari tahun 2003 sampai la before Aza masuk tahun 2007, macam-macam jenis perangai pekerja yang kitorang  dapat and Noni perhati je. So, Noni just belajar daripada apa yang Noni nampak. Noni tak nak la kerja-kerja semua terganggu since kita deal dengan nyawa, and parents diorang pun da bayar, amanah tu. Pastu dah la ramai, pekerjanye kite dua je pulak tu. Hahaha.  Plus, Noni memang tak pandai bersembang sangat, huhuhu. Tapi kalau Noni sebut nama Nadhirah(ade gambo kat link Noni letak kat atas tu), mesti Aza macam, picit-picit kepala. Hahaha, ada gambo beliau Noni letak kat link atas tu. Tengok la, mana tahu...Aza rindu kat tangisan padu dia yang 24/7 tu. Hahahahhaa, tapi Noni nak Aza tahu, you were the best. Our teamwork was no joke. Kerja ngan Aza lah salah satu kenangan Noni yang paling best, sebab, tak penat. Aza senang sangat nak ditrain, and sangat professional, tak perlu nak tegur selalu and yang penting, tade cerita belakang. :D

*If only you read this, Aza. Noni feels really bad, right now, perhaps we should get a nice coffee and watch movie some times? I'll wait till that time comes. :D

Let's move on. Yeah, so many years we ran that business means so many kinda people we met. There were cool people, and yet, there's this said,

"Langit tidak selalunya cerah."

Truthfully, I saw all my mum's hardship while running the business. If you read one of my previous entry, I said a little about poverty stuff. So, basically, moving to Shah Alam was one of the hijrh that we did, and All Praise to Allah s.w.t, it was never a wrong-decision. Hey! Who wants to read a heart-wrenching story, and so, cut some moments, yeah, 2007 was the year(at least until July) that we had the highest amount of kids with minimum numbers of workers. And the best thing was, I managed to make sure that my mum did the least physical job than previous time.

The earliest days of Taska Tunas Intelek.
*These are the original customer, that stayed with us almost until the end.

But, another regret of mine is, as I said, I talked less, and even worst, I even smiled less. Very less. Sometimes I had this mood-swing, a close-to-extreme one. Well, I hoped I could work at shopping mall or stuff, instead of my own family's business. I think I keened for money. Har har har. I was young, man. It's not like I was the only one being like that, DUH~*right? Anyone? Err..never mind.
Anyhow, as many month passed by, I started to get my momentum. Oh yeah, I always avoided from communicate with the kid's parents, and that's what my mum's field, and that way, my not-smile-a-lot image got covered. Bwahahaha, but no worry, I knew what's responsibility means. So, it's just that my facial expression that was wrong, my work? Aah.....I don't do brag. *pfffffffffft
Where was I?
Ah, as time passed by, we both(Aza and I) did a pretty neat jobs and all, and kids managed to receive our orders very well too, and 'the' Nadirah special care was already an easy task, too, unlike during her earliest existence there; one has no ****ing idea, on how 'special' she was, and I too, feel proud of myself(and to Aza), that my patience was really tested, like, super tested. Maybe one day, I'll make and entry specially about her. 

Everyday had became a routine, and to think again, almost half of my life, it had been filled with these awesome kids. Imagine, almost twenty(20) children, from bathe, learn ABC til XYZ, who is ALLAH s.w.t, who is Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, from 1 to infinity, du'a, love, behavior, 'where is Mama and Abah" and "what do they do" and "why they send them here", discipline, emotional, their first walking, their first vocabulary, the art of making friends, and everything that these kids have to know, it's included in every of their parent's payment. Even though, my mum paid me and Aza, less than if I work at shopping complex instead, but, aah..........*I am kinda writeless(spechless's friend :} ) right now. But the job to turn a boy and a girl into a man and a woman, was........priceless, I believe. Oh dear...
Allah s.w.t has been so nice to me, how can I mourn about my today?? Oh my...



The view that I miss so much... 

It was tiring and very stressful I can't deny. But, those moments, was where I started to learn about life, I mean, this time, I personally see it in a way that, I am the one who's undergo the moments, no more anyone else. It's the time that I had to hold my very own responsibility. And what's more important is, I started to learn about myself, my attitude.

'Can I actually handle stress well?'
'Do I really have the skills?'
'Am I prepared enough to meet the real people?'

and so many dilemmas...
Hey, I didn't simply get mood-swing, man. Imagine, every morning, your ears were 'served' with screams, high frequency one, cried, and all. But, from these too, I learnt the arts of persuasion, patience and dealing with stress. I got mutated. But since before, these kids had this different level of obedience towards me, as to compare to my other siblings.

"Kak Noni gadis Inggeris." Dude, I already used to these straight-pure-from-heart kinda compliments, so, DUH~ I already don't need yours. They see with their heart, and it's not something you can force-out to come out from their mouth.

Maybe, I kinda, hmm......a have a little hate with the job, but, I can't avoid from loving them. Again, as I think, I told you, we taught them almost everything. But it's not like, we ourselves, or perhaps, me, myself was perfect already, you know, stuff like 'be honest', 'be open', and all those right-things-to-do stuff, but, from there, I started to practice those attitude myself.

"Thank you"

Thanks, Barney. I guess, your advise is not only learnt by kids. Hahahaha.

And one more thing, there was 'no-wrong' at all. Especially when it comes to their imagination. Whatever they drew, everything was told to be beautiful. Even a line, was beautiful and special. I guess, we honed their creativity and arts side to the highest level of all. Like, nirvana level..err...never mind. One can see, for example, when we gave them blocks or I don't know what to we called that stuff, they were attachable, just give to them, they make wonders. It's not something that can be taught. It's how they channel the understanding of what we told about creating whatever is inside their head. Criticism? Oh, c'mon, they were just kids. And Alhamdulillah, last year, the eldest,  the very senior of our kids, Harris Farhan who was known as Abang, and Momil too, took their Ujian Peperiksaan Sekolah Rendah(UPSR) 2013, and Momil just got B for his Bahasa Melayu Pemahaman. The rest? A's. Maybe it was my fault that I always practice English with them. *pfffffffffft

"Siapa hensem hari ni?" with the most happy-manner.

"Cantiknye baju Alin," I said.
"Ouh, Mama Alin yang belikan." Alin replied.

"Kenapa gigit Aishah?" a very normal script of the caretaker, to those especially aged between three(3) to four(4) kids. Seriously, I guess, that's the 'ideal' age where one can 'learn' to jealous. *rolling eyes.

"Ammar sedih.." said Ammar, and he is my forever heartthrob. I personally took care of him since he was two(2) months old.

"Siapa sayang kak Noni?"
and all of them...

You see, I had enough of learning about 'honesty'. Those scenarios were just worth six(6) months, whereas, I lived my life like that since 2003, the year where we moved to Shah Alam, after spent almost six(6) years as a KL-person. And when I had to continue life on my own, I too, started to realize that there were some of the attitudes that I brought along, until today..

"Oh!! Hensemnye awak.."
"Ala, sorry la, kite bukannye sengaje.."
"Aaaah!! Thank you sangat-sangat!!"
"Cantik giler skirt awak nih!!"
"Aah!! Kite salah! Sorry.."
"Jangan tegur kite, kite tengah marah sekarang ni."

I don't find them hard to be done anymore. Compliments(moderate) do wonders, I know. Honest is the best make-up, I know. And when I saw something isn't right, I prefer to keep my mouth shut. so, when I do compliment you, I really meant it. From all these too, I can detect FAKERS easily. So the moral is, when one wants to communicate with me, don't make me hate you. I practice a lot of du'a. I warn.

And another one that has become me, I just cannot stop from ordering people around, especially those whose younger than me. But I think, I am okay now.


I am so thankful to my mum, that she has trained as in an indirect ways, about living life in this dunya. Before me, we had Kak Yong(the eldest) and Mimie(2nd sister) who did the same thing as I did, and after me, it was Ija's time. Momil? He was almost like a 'anak-boss'. Hahaha. In a simple manner, all of my mum's kids were helpful, VERY HELPFUL, even Chae helped bathe the kids(boys ONLY). Iwe as the entertainer as always. While Apik, hmm... a little troublesome, but, who cares, he owns less sense(Autistic, DUH~), remember?


*Since the usage of mobile phone was still rare and even Friendster wasn't really a priority as a communication tool, so I only happened to get kept in touch with my Angah. While I worked with kids, she went to Memory Lane, at Section 13 Giant Hypermarket. Kinda jelly, but, DUH~ Young~Young~Young~ Hahahaha

Allah s.w.t, thank you.

I feel like this entry has so many in lacking since I started to get a little emotional just now, perhaps..

To be continued.......

*And, happy birthday to a person. 


*One of our joining-activity event. I was in charged in designing their cloth, but this was way before after-SPM thingy. See that red star? That is art. Awww~ Haha


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