cepat letih lah baru-baru ni, badan pon mengalami kesengalan -Siri II-

*upDATE startin'....: 0045 hours of 231013


Where to start...

So basically,

Me get tired easily.

This post is supposed to be written regardin' my journey,
Of settlin' some BANK transactions,

To buy a new pair of apullet(DO I spell it correctly? Do correct me, if I'm wrong) for Ashkar thingy,
A new nameTAG~

So, the story was supposed to be back in last week's Thursday.

I went to Subang RMAF Air-Base.

Yeay yeay...

Nothin' EXTRAVAGANZA happen, 
Just a normal journey.

But, today?

I got my nameTAG~

*upDATE finishin'....: 0053 hours of 231013

*upDATE again ....: 1958 hours of 241013


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