Rindu Bab 1

Benda yang paling kite fikirkan sekarang ialah, korang. Korang yang kenal kite.......

Kite selalu fikir, "sikitnye lah hai kawan-kawan aku", considerin' kite ni yang suke duduk rumah. Hmmm....
Many things occur in my life, but, not often I complain to GOD, as, after all, everythin' is written, since I wasn't even born. But still, like I mentioned, 'not-often'.
My brain, has this memory of my life, since I was four(4) until today. And, I dun think that's weird, b'cos, I started to understand why.
First, I accept the fact that, my life, is interestin', despite all the ups and downs.

*Do reminded that, this is totally about my SOLE life. Neither his nor hers, k.

I still have the memory, remain in my brain, that arwah(Al-Fatihah) Opah brought me to Tapah, usin' Hup Seng(cam name tin biskot pon hado, ntah la..yg ni kurang igt laks) Bus, and met a fren of her when I was four(4).(Miss you Opah :'|  )

When I was celebratin' my fifth(5th) anniversary to be on this world, my mommy presented me wif that colourful blocks, wif A B C D E......Z alphabets on it, wif some images that represent the letters.

When I was n~5ive, hahaha (1994)

Six(6) years old was fine, and there's this 'hawt' girl, always looked 'hawt' back then, but one day, I was like, wanted to look 'hawt' too( =.= cepat terpengaruh), I put 'some' talcum on my...yeah, face, and these was wut she said, " Eeee...tebalnye bedak", and yeah, I'm still hurt by that remarks. *scratchin' HEAD.....such a small heart I got, eh... =.=".And durin' our end-year concert, we choreographed to 'Bagaikan Puteri by Farra', wore RED HAWT trousers, and I matched it wif mah given-by-Abah-HAWT-RED-leather-shoes, a white shirt, and a weird-curly-hair. I still remember a lil' part of the 'routine'. "Jika dunia, aku yang punya...akan ku hiaskan...sepasang sayang, budi yang pekerti..bla bla", hey. there was no easy-internet-access last time, though,like I can look for the lyrics and all, everythin' was depended on my five(5) senses :O
Tabika Kemas Kg. Chegar's Graduation, and me in RED-HAWT leather shoes~ (1995)

First day at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bidor, was sumthin' that my brain doesn't keep, too bad. But, the moment I was asked to sing(well, it was a task for the whole class for Pendidikan Muzik, though) in front of the whole class, I was bein' mocked by Luqman Hakin, the class monitor (of 1 Mawar Class 1996), as I lose both of my central incisors, =.=  ............I held my emotions until the end, and then....ALAS! I burst into tears, and therefore, that name, is implanted in my brain, until forever, I believe. He was like, pointin' his incisors, and yeah, like I dun understand, ouh ouhhhhhhhh.......... =.= . Geram. And then I had this jiran-TABLE, named Syawal. He strangled me............ to death, ok, obviously I'm still alive, so, yeah, but he did choke me, and I still remember how I was like havin; this kinda thought, "Ouh oh........so, what am I supposed to do now?" while gettin', strangled. I didn't reply or react, and just redha't remember your name Cikgu, so, I'm Sorry :/ but you are our homeroom teacher), b'cos, w wif his action. *again, scratchin'HEAD. But one thing I remember, I had this fren, named, Natrah. She has a fair-skin, straight-light-brown hair and my bestest fren. Luqman Hakin, Natrah, some few peeps, I couldn't recall, and me, we were once, gettin' scolded by Cikgu Kelas( I cane were sweatin' like hell, as we spent our recess time, playing kejar-kejar, hahahhahaha, at the school field. Good old time hah...and we were truly remorse after that, as, as far as I remember, we didn't play like that again. Maybe, that's why 1 Mawar was the 'first-class', since the kids in there, learnt and understood faster, ........... pffffffffffffft.
These are my childhood friends, and most of us, were from the same Tabika Kemas, located in Kampung Chegar, and the only 'crowds' that aside from my family that called me usin' the nick of, 'Noni', and basically, I never seen them, ever again, after I said," Saye pindah KL tahun depan," to Natrah.
*Auww.....rase nak nanges pulak. hahahaha

Just came back from school, such a PEMALAS, 
never got changed in immediate, always delay... :} (1996)

There was few moments, especially, durin' those days, where I had the thought of endin' my own life, where I always wanted to go back, to the time, where I lived in our kampung, Bidor. My family has our own house, attached to Opah's. Very small, but big enuf for me, as I was still lil' back then. Rite now, I can say, the house has this studio-sized, and one day, I want to paint its walls into shockin' colours~  ~,.~

What if.............

My dad didn't bring me, to Bangsar Baru............. :/



* On the same year(1996), I was chased by Jackson, our Sikh neighbour's Doggie~, on our; me and Chae(3 Mawar and a prefect,and school top-scorer and a, bla bla =.= {Perfect CHILD~, unlike me}), way back from school, as we both shared the same session on the evenin', and wut made it became so memorable is that, I ran like a PUMA until Jackson(R.I.P as Umie said) was called by some Chinese restaurant worker at the alley, behind the restaurant, and I still remember, how's Chae's expression, like, " =.= " kinda expression, and he just didn't care at all. I hate that, until now! =.=We just, hated and the biggest emeny to each other so much, like normal siblings do, that's all.


Trail yang kena kejar ngan Jackson - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152017338695682&set=a.10152017301355682.1073741836.753805681&type=3&theater

Alley yang Cina tu panggil Jackson - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152017338940682&set=a.10152017301355682.1073741836.753805681&type=3&theater


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