Countin' DOWN - Eleven(11) days to go
What have I achieved since the day I started to realize the 'motive'(duniawi~) of livin' on this earth?
Graduation : Checked (Diploma in wut I need)
Title : Checked (Ashkar)
Many 'foe' detected: Checked (More frens and acquaintances detected, so...)
A squad RMC-liked: Checked ( #4thBATCHrotuairforceUITMKOTASAMARAHAN)
Cooker: Checked ( As same level as a PRO, tahap baling je ingredients into the wok, then... TADAAA!! Still a real food.)
HouseKEEPER: Checked (houseDOTER)
*smirk (Praise to ALLAH s.w.t)
And thanks to all those, who have prayed, 'something' nice for me. May ALLAH s.w.t reply all your kindNESS~
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