That 'beautiful' remarks of theirs.

Maybe my heart is way too ugly to not seen things as how they do.

"Your argument is invalid"

Out of all reasoning that I could think of, I think they just hate me. They might not always admit it with their own mouth, but they 'kill' me with their actions. Its almost like how America's Government says that they love peace, but at the same time, Middle East is broken to pieces, 'thanks' to them. But when they do, that's it. They should know that whatever I would do next, is what I supposed to do.

Remarks, remarks, remarks.

Unlike me, my actions are just base on how I am treated. My mouth seldom reacts immediately to some words, especially words that contain irritations, harmful and vulgar, I repeat, SELDOM. Because obviously, do I need to put myself into THAT class? Well, that's how I originally was. That's why, not a long time ago, I almost 'shook' the world around me, for becoming a very not-me and just who reacted to that not-me a lot were the people who NOW I am beware of. Don't be a hypocrite to me, my heart can always detect that. Now? Maybe there are some changes, after all, I am no longer a child with empty-headed anymore. I learnt. But only until my personal matters are 'touched', my life path, my faith are affected by those remarks or when my skin is started to be covered with acne because of them, THEN ONLY I will react. If no, then I will remain silence. Let them be in their class, and they should just let me be in mine. I give no care to theirs, and so do they shall not give in to mine. I can always make myself happy, and I hope they can make theirs too.

I already tried my best, and it seems that, things going back to square one. To say I am giving up, perhaps, I just need to do what I should do. I expect nothing anymore. 

All I really need now is only my MOST GRACIOUS and my MOST MERCIFUL. Only HE will never hurt me. Only HE that will provide, will cater, will perfect, will correct, will beautify me in everything whilst other prefer to distort. 

May they find happiness while doing it. 

May I only seek for YOU in any circumstances, o~ALLAH S.W.T.


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