ashkarkah saye? - Siri VIII -

"Kentut seindah suria, yang membawa cahya.."
"Kentutlah dari hati, duniamu bersemi."
"Kentut umpama titian, dalam kehidupan,"
"Kau terkentut, ku terkentut,"
"Kemesraan menguntum."

"Kepada semua."

"Tanmu!"helped Bapak(Tuan Haimi),

"Tutanmu, amatlah berharga," I continued,
"Kentut, membahagiakan,"
Dengan kentutan terjalinlah, ikatan."


"Kau, tukar lagu Senyum seindah suria, senyum tu kau tukar jadi kentut."

Thanks Puan Mala for 'ordering' me to stand in front of strangers,
singing those like......
it was nothing.
It was one of my very awesome personal memory, that I just..I just..........make me smile everytime I think about it.
That "Kentutan" was super funny, because I was like got stuck and Tuan Haimi(which I called Bapak, later) even helped me. I just......


Thank you my fellow seniors.

How I wish Tuan Lengan(Tuan Arm) record everything, since he was holding camera all the time. And without I realize, it's been almost seven(7) years ago, since that moment. Actually, I think I just fit in as a cadet. I miss those days so much. I still remember how freaking sad I was when I was no longer a junior. It was so, no-fun, I mean it personally. My life as a junior was deadly the best, the funnest, the WOOOAAHHH!!!!!!!

I am waiting for few more wedding invitations of my favorite seniors(Tuan Sweet's done, Puan Ez's done), then ADIOS. Gotta move on. HAIP HAIP HAIP!


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