

A golden reminder from a used-to-know friend. (Well, not that that 'used to know', but basically, we just don't contact each other any more.) The emptiness in me was suddenly 'struck' by those words. And I still remember everything clearly, as we were sending and replying texts, until I suddenly typed,

"I need a protection."

If people always say stuff like 'blowing your mind' and all, I am sure, that was one of words that really blew my mind. Eventhough it was only a conversation via SMS, I still cannot forget when I did not reply him back immediately. It was late at night, at one of the college dorm in UiTM Shah Alam. 

Rather than empty, I should say, I was so lost at that particular moment. I lose trust from each and everyone on this world, I hated so much with everything including Min-Jeong; a kitten that sent from Allah S.W.T to my family during the darkest time of ours, when it suddenly appeared at the back from the house. I felt like my life was a complete mistake. I kept thinking that I never even deserved even the tiniest part of the on-going situation. 
Physically, I wasn't exactly alone on that time, but I was never a person that like them anyway since the start, but since I only had them, so I just remain to be with these people. But, yeah, as I predicted, I was chased away.
But, enough with those story already, I am done.

Back to the quote above. You see, sometimes we only feed the unnecessary, forgetting the core of the need. For example, I still remember I performed a few holy-ish rituals, but at the same time, I didn't listen to other's advises. Sometimes, we are too contented with our own thoughts, that we start to stop listening. Whereas, the fact that human always lacking in something, so when other human might see it and know it's not right, it's good enough if they try to approach and advise us on what they think is not wrong. But how I always responded to these advises back then? I felt offended and replied them offensively. And to flash back, on how much small-heart I owned that time, I think I really forgot that ALLAH S.W.T is always has HIS eyes on me. 

So, when that friend sent such text to me, my head started to send as-fast-as-lightning impulse to my body and heart, telling me to stop doing what I was doing and to stop have the feeling on what I let it to be felt. But this heart matter, is always not an easy one. I thought there was a WWIII going on in there. The images of the unwanted one kept flashing in the brain, leading me to keep thinking everything in the most negative way, but there was also 'this is all happen for a reason' that somewhere inside the heart, worked at its best to overtake the unbelievable-me. Too much emotions exactly at the same time. Tiring.


As time really flies, seconds by seconds, hours after hours, days keep changing, until new month replace the previous, then fireworks in the air indicating that new year has come leaving all the past without mercy.....

So much things started to happen accordingly. That friend of mine was right. 

May ALLAH S.W.T protects him until he is chosen to be in heaven. Once he told me that he's prayers walk with me which were the very last time he ever spoke to me, but one thing he might never know is, my prayers too, walk with him.

I can always identified who's real and who's not. Instinct can't lie and  I believe that's a gift from ALLAH S.W.T. Not everyone can be genuine, and so do I. But there are few people that I know, they do really care for me, and here I am right now, thanks to them. One day, if something bad happen to these four(4) people, to be specific, I want to be the first one, to be with them. We are physically distant from one another, but they always in my thoughts. Apart from my own family, they have their name specifically mentioned everytime I pray and recite the Holy Quran. I never want anything bad to happen to them, NEVER! They were really my TNB during my darkest hours.

"O~ALLAH, please help me and my true friends from entering hell-fire in AKHIRAH by keep protecting us doing any actions that lead to that place of real failures at the end. If we are meant to be apart from each other in this world of lies, then make us stay side by side the next world of pleasure. Please o~ALLAH, I'm begging."

My love for Ya, Mariam, Farah and him. 

*p/s: I found a new hobby that time, taking pictures of myself tearing. LOL

Ape pandang-pandang haa? 


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