Ulangtahun mereka..(II)

It's my parents anniversary!! Like yeah, their both birthday~!
Mommy turns 55 while Daddy turns 58~!

What a cool fact, aite? Sharing the same birthdate..
Well, perhaps, not exactly the same, because Abah's was actually born on the leap year.
So, basically his age is only increase after every four(4) years, which means, he is only 14 years old since two years ago! Another cool fact about my family~!
No wonder, we, the siblings are very cool in our own way. I wonder who'll have the chance to 'get into' us in the future, and together leading a cool life. Ahaks~
Abah is a kind that do not really love to accept gifts or doing celebrations or stuff, so, luckily, we have Mama's, then, we can celebrate his too. I mean, if it's not because of Mama, I don't think we would even celebrate Abah's birthday. Plus,  the fact that, he's birthdate is a rare one.

So, let see if I have any cool memorable stuff from the past regarding today's date..

Oh! I do have one!!

Let's look back into the year of 2009. My second year in Borneo and also the semester where I frequently went home. Yup, as frequent as at least once in a month. So, a couple of days before the 1st March of 2009, Chae and I, quietly planned a Noni-coming-home surprise. It was as cool as it sounds, and alas~! Mission accomplished! Until right at this moment of writing this, I can still clearly remember, Abah's turn-pale face as I suddenly yelled out loud,


as I entered the house. Both of them were surprised, but as I said, Abah's reaction especially, was too priceless. There were so dumbfounded. Ahaha. It was one of my best life achievement. I mean, it's not THAT important, but still, important to me. From the moment  Chae and I planned it until the day we realized it, it was so damn cool.

The birthday party went happily and full with swag. We had Mak Cu's family as our guest. Oh yes!~ I still remember, before I entering the house, and while I tip-toeing in the dark, from one place to another just for the sake of not getting caught, Pak Cu saw me. And because of that, I still remember I came into the house together with them, which now I think, one of the reasons why Mama and Abah were surprised! I eman, yeah, they knew that they had guests, but of course they weren't expect their 5th child to come back. After all, I supposed to have weekly ASHKAR training on that particular week. Plus, it's not like it was a semester break or anything. Who knows, but since Chae was too, excited about to make the surprise happen. I didn't remember about my other siblings, if they were part of the planner. Aaah...seriously, I cannot remember. But me and Chae, even though we were so against each other when we were kids, but since then, when we plan on something, the synergy-effects, just don't doubt us, k. And we still do. Well, we might not talking much with each other, but perhaps, we knew each other very well from action. Those quarrels and wrestles were enough already, I think. It's been a while but I can feel that, one day, everything will be fine and settle, I hope. Oh! Never mind.

................and please keep endure. *rascal

Tiup lilinnya~ Tiup lilinnya~ Tiup lilinnya sekarang~
Late nite celebration~

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