Ulangtahun mereka..

Today is the birthday of the two most beloved persons of my life. One is older than me, and another one is much much younger than me.

The older one, there was a point, where even me myself, started to wonder, why am I seem to be clinged to her so much, and at some time later, I was reminded with my childhood moments, that I've been spent with the person. We went to Sekolah AgamA at Masjid Abu Bakar as-Siddiq, Bangsar Baru together and even studied in the same class, even when the person is obviously two years older than me, I still remember few moments, where she got punished by the Khat Class Ustad, and all I could do was to see her, with some other few classmates of ours, sympathy~LY. Then, at my home, we took bath together, even wait till one of the person to finish her 'business' and even kid around with the sound of 'plup' as 'it' made contact with the fluid. Hahaha. We learnt how to solat together, haha, just dun make me start storying on how we all played around during the Asar jemaah at the Sekolah Agama. We played Barbie together, but hers was like, a perfect sets of Barbie, unlike mine, only one, and even that one, got envied by a big bro of mine =.= . Aah..so many things to type, but usin' this 'so smart'phone, really discourages me to type more. To my bestest cousin forever, Nur Iylia Afiqah bt. Mohd. Hakimi, may you always be blessed till we meet again in HIS heaven, hope you'll get to marry with the one who you always wanted to be with, stay youthful like always, and let us both continue to rock #leRAHMAH's like real rockSTARS! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! By Noni.

To my another most beloved person, Nanny will try my best, to be the best for you. One day, when the world starts to seem to be weird in your eyes, that's the moment of truth, k. Nanny feels like only yesterday, when you were still cried helplessly, and you just dun know how much, Nanny had cried, to be by your side at one fine day, and now, Nanny just doesn't know, how much grateful I am to our Almighty Allah s.w.t, that HE listened to Nanny's prayer, to be with you, today.
My darling Nur Aleesya Qistina, happy 4th Anniversary. Keep bein' the brighteat, and be protective to your whole family, k. One day, we must see each other in ALLAH s.w.t heaven in the hereAFTER, k Esha.


cc: Mamee Monsta ( Qistina Bungan ), Dady ( Sapri), Mak Long( Norainon Zamanhuri) and Pak Long Kimi ( Maulana Al-Hakim)

Special entry: nonin5.blogspot.com
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