Happy New Year

It's already half month since it's so fresh, but, who cares, it's still new to me, though. I was sick, really sick for weeks, right after Christmas day off, to be exact. But, it only came to realization right after I got back from work on that final day of 2016. I tried to be cool on the first day of work on that new year, but went back home before the lunch time. One thought that I remember so much during the felt-like-dying moment, "For all the while, I took my healthy time for granted". I think I really did. So now, since I come to live, again; (Alhamdulillah), I think I started to know again, why I live.

This year, instead of telling myself I just turned 27, I will say, I am 28. Yes. 28. 

What have I achieved?

*Traveled alone to foreign country. Checked

Haha. That would be the highlight and so new.

Anyhow, just to add in some more, something that I can say, I pushed away my fear, so I managed to

*Drove 200km/h
*Jumped into the water from second-or-third-floor-of-a-building-like height
*Motorcycling in KL roads(as a passenger)

Bla bla, so, since my round-up age is 30, I am really in the state of, OK on everything. If any can make me be like, " Uhh.." or excite me, I can say, that would be good. Because, not so much I am impressed with, anymore. I am busy with myself, literally. I am so hungry of experiences. I need more. I want to die, leaving marks to the world. And, God's will, there'll be something to be done on March. And since it's about to start, then I won't stop.

InsyaAllah. Whoever see this, please pray for my ease.

Again, Happy New Year.


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