Sixteenth of November III

Good bye, adolescent.

Right now, I still have forty minutes, before I really say good bye to the 26-me. Haha. What's so big deal? Weiii, it's a big deal for me. For every one year older, I set myself to be this and that. Always. Only when I turned 22, 23 and 24, I called that as my transition years. From nobody to 'somebody'. From empty-headed to at-least-it-isn't-empty-anymore.

So, what is 27? Okey, before I go further, let me describe a little, about my 25 and 26 like. *smile
Perfect. It's like my last shot to prove to myself(and the world) that, I am okey. I'm just good. And I'm so sorry about my 22, 23 and 24 moments. I really have no intention to become like that, but hey! I fix almost everything! So, let's be happy! Haha. But I'm grateful. I wanted to know how is it feels like to be away from my own country, I did. Solo, in groups, with my bestfriend. I did that. I found a job that really fits me, in all angles; from the job scope itself to the 'co-curriculum' activities. I found someone that claim he can accept me for who I am(and was), how cool is that? Just cool.
So, yeah!! Good bye. I enjoy so much. I read an article on "What should you achieve when you are 25?" somewhere on Facebook. And, I almost achieve 85% of them. Haha. *fiuu..
I love reading such stuff. They are like a guidance for an especially a dumber like me.

Okey, by now, I have twenty-two minutes left. Omaigoat~~ Hehe.*fiuuuu again.
27. Expectation? To be more mature in handling life as a whole. To upgrade more in everything. To proceed the biggest dream I've been postponed since almost two years, already. To brush up my responsibility skill. To.... emm.......just to be good. *smile.

God's will.

I was born at 0408 hours. Imagine, twenty-seven years ago, Mama already felt that 'sakit bersalin'. Ahakz! Don't worry, Mama. You gonna deliver a legend. Kekekeke. No lah, just a human.

And I hope things go well.

*15 minutes to go. Better go to sleep now. Good night everyone.


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