In two months and 3 days

...I will turn 26. And I still haven't sleep. Something is  bothering my mind. But I can't identify, what it is. I wish I'm in my dreamland already, oh eyes...can you please....


I will turn 26. I have achieved 75% of my resolutions for this year, was even given a bonus, where I decided to postpone it till next year, so I won't be seen as a greedy one. I have to stop being greedy. Yeah opportunity is an oportunity, but I still have to consider myself as a....human? Yeah. A human.

Can I just ranting?

Last weekdays, were the most fastest week ever, according to my feeling-lah. I literally awoke, cleaned, got ready, went to work, came back from work, cleaned again, ate dinners, scrolled the FB timeline, slept and repeat the whole things for 5 days straight. Before I realized it's already Friday. But oh yeah, I did spent some of my precious moments with some people.



I'm cool... I think..


To think about my 2016, unless I die, it's already filled with many things. I really thought I should've get married or something, but, it's not in the calendar.


Many of my friends are becoming and have became a mother to kids, while me, I'm still not sure when it comes to this stuff. Plus, I have a new addiction, that is to buy airlines tickets. By 2017, I have to make sure that I already conquer the South East Asia territory.

But I will turn into 26.

I think...I have done a mistake. I may want it to be called as a silly mistake, but....if it's silly....why is it bothering me? It's been a less-productive for me, last week. I can't continuosly becoming like this. Still I don't know what it is. Okey, I may know, but I'm not sure.

But, if this is it, then, should I try to deal with it? Or to just, for once, let it go. Something that I have never done before. Let it go.

I don't know.


I would turn 26.


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