You went so soon..

People of my past, why do you guys have to go? Why can't we talk like the old times? Why that little rough road, soon after we past it, everything got changed along? Why life is like that?

I want to talk to you guys again....
I miss you guys...

Maybe you guys had seen that dark and ugly side of me, so you guys chose to back off.
But it's been a long time ago....
Can't you guys even consider a little?

I'm sorry if I was so wrong last time, but I'm okey now. I promise.
Even though a thought of forgetting you guys is always been my core of mindset, for leaving me during my most vulnerable, weak, full of pretense, but please believe me, I had no choice back then.

I just want to talk with you guys. Talking about our current life. Like that dark moments were never even happened. Because, still you had seen the best of me, too. And I'm back now.

I miss you guys. For some of you, I do understand, there is no way a two ways communication would ever occur ever again while we still live in this temporary dimension. Still, I'm sorry cos I was too young too dumb to realize(by Bruno from some other planet in the solar system).

Do you remember those times, you guys were so happy to hang out with me, because I was the one with less fuss? Do you guys remember? Because I always made sure I am that kind of person for my whole life. I didn't mind at all about myself, because I always knew how to make myself happy. I never needed anyone to make me happy, but I always wanted everyone around me to be happy. I do remember that about myself, I do. Sometimes I wish nothing like those "she has changed" moments would ever exist, because, that, too, I admit, happened. I even dragged you guys along, I remember one of you guys said to my ears. I never planned that, though. They just happened. I'm sorry.

You know I love to talk about everything, right? I'm telling you, of course I still have plenty of problems, but, they are in place, now. I'm matured now. Ouh, just how can I convince you guys. I maybe desperately missing you guys, I swear. You guys are my memories and still alive, so how can I apply that "move on". So, I'm back to be the one who knows what to blurt out, and what not to blurt out.

Judge this piece.

Come back home, please and let's create new memories. Because it's still so soon for you guys to go away, far from, aren't there gazillion of codes we still haven't figure and break 'em out together? And since I'm back, shouldn't we continue the hunt?


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