A day before a Whole New World.

First of all, I recorded this video, so I won't forget what had happened on the final day while I was still in that world.

So they were the people that revolved around me for the past four years, six months and seventeen days. That would be from 1st of April 2014 until 17th of October 2018, 

It's a life that I never ever dream of. It's a huge number.

Guys, this blog is an enough evidence of who I was. But it's all in the past, because,



Tomorrow by A1!

So, specially to my fellow ex-colleagues, via SMULE. Listen when you want to or miss me. Click the link below.

Anyway, this is the original singers. A1.They're my all time favorite boyband since I was 12, and now, they're making their Reunion Tour, which I hope they come to Malaysia. Ok, off-topic!

Well, I started writing this post since 10AM this morning, but ended up doing so many things else like just done my unpacking-from-Laos-trip and my preparation for tomorrow, oh! Again, TOMORROW my friends.

Ahhh....can't believe I almost like, have to start all over again, but what is there to complain? It's another chapter of my life, and let's see how it goes. 

For each and everyone of you, I may not frequently gonna contact you all, but please bear in your heart, I will ask God to keep an eye on you guys. 

To myself, just keep going, and as NN mentioned, "MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU."


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