Bulan Lapang

.......it's just started today, but I already almost turn-into a Hulk Hogan. Yes, with 'a'. 


The body's temperature is maintaining its number at the temperature of not-less than 37.1 degree Celcius. Since maybe at 4PM? because, from that very moment onward, I can feel as if the head was about to experience an explosion.

I don't complain about the thing I've been doing for the past 4 years and 4 month(exactly today), but the people are getting weird. Okey, people are too much, but the person in-charge must have gone.....what word to choose eh.....must have been....so weird. So alien, that if he were to live in Mars, even the alien community over there would put him onto an electric chair and BZZZZTTTTTTT. May he rest in peace.


Or maybe I am no longer a refreshing tinkly pinkly ting tong ting tang person anymore due to ageing factor that I don't enjoy overtime shift?

I was literally almost burst...like..literally. Bad jokes might cause an innocent's death.

And right here, right now, I can still feel my body release unwanted heat.


But I love a month before bulan Lapang.

I have successfully became a MAN!


Just see how I didn't have anything negative to say on July, showed how much I was doing my best in all rounded life. 

Ok, this seems to be so bipolar, LOL.

Bit really, as soon as July ends, I thought nothing like today would happen. But, perhaps, my body tolerance toward pressure is getting smaller.

I'll turn 30 next year.

And i's already August. I don't know if I could upload this before the second day of this bulan Lapang comes. I only have 2 minutes left.


Ok, I should wrap things up.

I'm mad today, and that's all. Eventhough we manage to get out from that place earlier after a 'negotiation' on the last minute, the fact that we already set our mind that it'll be another overly-time, it still exhausting. Ok, one more minute, I don't think....TADAAAA, it's already a new date.


I'm hungry.

But I already brushed my teeth.

But I'm hungry.

But it's already midnight.

I guess this is one of the so-called First World Problem.

Oh, I should wrap myself in my pinkly comfy mushii mushiii comforter, isn't it? But guess what, the moment I got into the house after 30 minutes of walking for I think about 2 kilometres distance, and another an hour of travelling as a passenger next to the driver(thanks sistah for allowing me not to drive, I afraid I could do the roadrage stuff if you insist me to do it.) I got home, and took my bath, do thing I should do as a person with faith, and YEAHH, I FRIGGIN wrapped myself in the comforter, but THIS! It has been 4 hours since I did that. But here I am, typing all these, with rage. Okey, the heat is gone. But my head is not. I thought of taking drugs. But I.... should I?


I'm tired... I can't be tired because I need the creative-me starting the day after tomorrow. 



*p/s: Oh, the title, is a joke from my sister. She whatsapp-ed like, the Terengganu-ian is having a peaceful time, since it's already bulan Lapang. Get it? Good.


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