Play the game that I'm playing just one of the, I shall call it as 'quote', of all 'quotes', throughout the -ship.

The actual thought when first heard it?


I hate it, TBH.


In every 'ships' that I have chose to sail along, I think, at this stage of my life, as a twenty-seven and three-hundreds and sixty-three years old folk(to date), I just know how play my part as the sailor. I just know.


Ok, maybe there's a need to elaborate how would I knew things that I have the guts to proudly mention, that, I know stuff.


Sometimes, when I look back, and compare on what I have become now, what I have with me now, yeah, of course they are in better forms. But me? Have I changed to be a new person?

The answer is, NO.

I just adjusted some of my mindsets. There's no way I could F*c* the system. The systems were already there, and it has the biggest number of followers, then suddenly, I, twenty-seven and three-hundreds and sixty-three years ago, came to live, suddenly had the intention to change it?

LOL number two.


But it wasn't that bad. I got experiences.

Plenty of them.


Did I ever change?

NO number two.

Back to the title of this post.


I do not like all the people in the world. And I sometimes hate some people without a concrete reason. But one should worry if I dislike them, more, than if I hate them, but both feelings on a person? When I dislike, I won't give a s*i*, not at all. But hate, there's still a hope to care, same goes when I dislike and hate on a person, since hatred still have hope to care, that's that.

The problem with the people of world is, they thought, the care that I've shown, is something that reflected a weakness. They think I'm weak? Well, if they are interesting enough, I might ask. So, when I ask, I care. If I don't, or perhaps, I stop ask, I might have started to dislike them.

And dislike?

Means, I don't care, anymore.


But it's not gonna be as simple as I'm typing all these. Most of the time, when I sense there's a tendency that things are turning from bad-to-worst, I will do my best to figure things out, try to sort things out, fix things out, until, my heart is no longer interested. And this sometimes could take no less than thirty days.

There are some stuff like, hypocrisy, two faces, such and such, that anyone can relate, because,
those efforts I might have done to make things right, then suddenly, I would act like a total stranger, well, that's just because I'm just not interested anymore. But remember, nothing like this would ever happen, if no one did anything. If not, what was the thing that I try to fix? LOL.

I don't do that so called "jump into conclusion" stuff. Oh c'mon...why would I? Am I that dumb? C'mon.. if I round up my age, I am already thirty, still want to use my brain as if I'm three? C'mon...analyze, people. Think critically. If not what's the use of going to a higher level of education? Just so, to waste money and time? If so, that it's not my lost. But pity you...really.


Well I hate to dislike. If I could, I don't want that layer of me to get exposed. It's gonna be hard for the respective party. Again, nothing like this would happen, if no one did anything.

Because, disliking somebody, is like, feeding the old me. The one, that always wanted to f*c*-the-system, and I showed it to the world with the least guilt. The only thing I may have changed, a bit. Because this attitude,would make the particular parties to consider to 'end their life'. Still don't get it? Mess with me, you'll know it better. But I don't care.


There are two creatures on my mind when I type these post.

One, I just don't care and give any f*c* anymore, not even ITs('It' refers to animal) shadow I would like to see, too grateful that for now, I don't need to go through those. But don't worry gal, I 'mengadu' to everyoneelse like you did, so I hope you can digest on what people is actually have on their minds, when you speak a word to them. I'm a player too, I strategize my game, but thiss, I call it 'cheap' move. It hurts my pride to imitate, but, it's been a six months long since you started it.....and look at you now, weirdo, mirror back, is the way. Oh c' know how I might have done's your strategy too, attempts to make others hate me, and whoever you not sure how to put this, those who you are in jealous with, right? Let's say a few names, K**a, F**n*s. Unfortunately, you are just pitiful and strange, and a stranger. Good luck, anyway. Thanks for sink a -ship that once, you were just a smelly passenger. Smelly mouth you got there, hunny, literally, and do you know that people are actually talking behind about that smelli-ness? I was tolerate with that, but you just prove that, smelly mouth equals to the smell of your inside. Last time, I was pity at you, that's why I talked to you, but, throughout are just getting a little bit too weird. LOL. Trying hard to be a captain of the -ship? Nahh...try harder next time. *vomit

Another one,........., but, I'm letting time to fix, as how it's always been done.


Don't ever think that I want you so much. What I practice is, tolerate. And the moment I feel that somebody take that toleration for play, well, I don't care.

But, what is it about my care-less-ness? Remember, I can make one to think to 'end their life'. That's my "I don't care'. I don't care what one wanna do towards me. I'll return in a triple manner. Easy.



I never believe in it. Tried, but, nothing can beat that believe, yet. My theory, is still standing strong.

Wanna play?

LOL number four.

*But things are still tolerable...for now. Hate me, for writing all these. But think of this, I'm tolerating. When you are important, I play no game, but you thought I am. I'll take it as a reminder for myself. You think I gave my all, well, I haven't. If you happen to read all these, I am not responsible for any damages, because, action speaks louder, isn't it? These are just how I portray some part of my life. Don't know if you ever realized this, that, I tried, I always do, and still. I can choose to not publish this, but who is anyone to tell me what to do? This is what I do. My rules, in a way that I don't put others into troubles. I can act as if nothing is happen, forever, but personally, it's a sad thing for me. I thought, I can experience a new thing, that is, to love, transparently. But, I guess, as how I always tell myself, I don't deserve to be loved and never a worthy enough to be fought for. All I need to do is to keep holding to that faith. That's all. Think that I'm not worth it? Okey, you are right. I am. I feel feel-less. One can say it's a small matter, and I can't blame anyone, because, it's not their fault to have different way of thinking and different perspective that I have. Remember, it's not something that is done in less than thirty days. That's all I can explain.


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