Masa begitu mencemburui beliau

Seriously, she was in Serikin, Sarawak last year on this date. Everything was still fresh, she hasn't even re-read her daily journals while she was there yet. Fiuuhhh.....

Anyway, 2014 has been so cool, maybe there were some trembles in the beginning, but overall(as on 131214), it's cool. She got back to her original-since-childhood plans. Everything was actually started on March. There is this verse in one of the Maher Zain's hits, right in minute 01:59 (do listen if you can).

".....ouh, Allah, I realize what I was missing, by being far from you.." (Oh! Sorry, terlayan pulak.)
So, yeah, until she took the first step. And it's true, more doors were opened for her. And it all started with one 'great' step, a step that she never even put into consideration before. Perhaps, it's an intuition by HIM. The details are not known by many as she decided to keep within herself on what really happened, with whom she has met, why she chose that but not this, and the big question is, how did she manage to do that when she took years to not moving on before? Again, intuition, maybe.

She decided to go for her very first job interview in her life. And she started off with updating her personal details in JobStr**t (not in the mood of giving a free advertise, ahaks) that's been left rusty and dusty since she doesn't even remember on which year. She uploaded her passport-sized picture that she took while she was working in Baha** As**k Boutique(these kinda business are always in desperate of having some random kids who's willing to work like a sh* t  at the lowest paid as they could, so apparently no interview session was done, just asked and 'you are hired', but trust, life lessons are 'abundant' here.),  two years ago. Updating her experiences, and dude, it took a lot of guts to type it up. Because, she exaggerated on 95% of its content. Hua hua hua. Of course it based on true 'story', but there's always butterflies in her stomach when she described her past experiences professionally and in a ''I-will-make-them-choose-me" manners. She even rolled her eyes many times as she read over and over again.  There was even a time she almost wrote up as it was her blog. Luckily her sense snapped her confusion pretty fast. So, then she decided to make a new one. She made a new e-mail, new this, new that, she even did the test by the job agency itself, I mean, she really put in some efforts which was so her unusual-self. Her mind was like, "just do it".

Like had been mentioned above, the real details will not be publicized in the nearest time since everything is still on-going. But, maybe it's okey to say that she's been interviewed for five times, and she hit at the 5th. Her favorite number, after all(not meant for khurafat, k). There were ups and downs, happiness and sadness, hopes and disappointments, pride and humiliation, rejection for some kind of weird reasons( she was really good in all the sessions since that's what she's expert at since before, but she even been rejected because of racist~ish reason, so they did happened in this world, dang!), new knowledge and new people, all in one complete month. That last interview was held on 31st March 2014, the time when she almost gave-in. With no more high expectation, she just did it with almost half-heartedly, actually it even lower than half. Imagine, within less than 30 days since she updated her résumé, too much new things occurred in her life, like, hey! She never planned to go for any interviews for all her life, because of some fantasies, like, yeah, fantasies. Never mind to describe what fantasies as it doesn't matter anymore. So, yes, NEW. Of course one should not expect her to handle everything perfectly, since she's too just came back from her 'well'( Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray).  But she remembers that last interview as she was being herself. No exaggeration. No trying too hard. She was completely herself. It was so calm. Smooth. Natural. And...

"When can you start?"



010414 until almost end of 2014, which is still going-on now and having some hopes that no one would ever taken what's she 'has' now..

Time, why are some kind of jelly with her? 
Can't you please slow down a lil'?

So, with whom will she share the in-depth and details of the whole story? 
Well, it's for someone who she feel worth to be shared with..someday :)


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