sesat - Chapter One -
Year 1997 "Mana kelas ni....." she sobbed, while keep searching for the lost class. "Kak Yang!" she saw her big sister. It was still early and dark at Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Bandaraya, Bangsar Baru. "Noni lupa kelas kat mana.." she trembled and just like that, Kak Yang helped her to find her class. I can hardly forget that moment. You know, when you get lost, those feelings like scared, afraid, stress, messy and every single negative vibe just come to you with no mercy. That time, serenity, logical, or sanity are greatly tested. Arghh.. Plus, it was my first day in a new school. I afraid to approach any human being at that time, and to see my big sister passing by, I almost thought that she's an angel in disguise. I felt safe, warm(DUH~), homey, and overwhelmed everything at the same time. But, I wasn't really the one that showing off my feeling, last time, just simply not good at it. Rather kept everything inside, and just pretend like...