rase kehilangan VI

The intention was to do my Admin Law's assignment. But, as usual, the mind got distracted over many things. 

The title though, well, no one is really 'gone', but, this Covid thing, is really changing our whole life, in a very new dimension, isn't it? To me, our 'freedom' is really being taken away. 

My Mak Cu and Pak Cu(Perak's fam), are now recovering from the virus. Mak Cu was on the stage 3, while Pak Cu, was on 4. Both of them were treated separately, Mak Cu was in MAEPS, while Pak Cu was in HTAR. It's not too much to say that Pak Cu's condition were so bad, but Alhamdulillah, both were discharged, and Alhamdulillah, can go back home, to their beloved children. 


But today, we all received a news..... a sad one. Mak Uda@Aunty Dolly... she's unwell and as per just now, unconscious. 

We all, the Perak's family, did Yaasin recitation via Zoom.

In the hope that, Allah will grant her conscious and better health again.

The vaccine's response to our bodies, varies from one another. 

May Allah forgive us, and give us the chance to repent and keep do ibadah for Him.


Pak Uda, Aim, Aziq, Aqil, and Eric, our hearts go to them all. And what most important, Allah is, and that's what matter.

Yaasin And Doa for Aunty Dolly and Sham at 9PM @8/6/2021


Al-Fatihah for everyone who lost their lives due to Covid. And may those who still got infected, will recover. 


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