A day after.

You know, there's this situation, where, a single statement that gives a huge impact in our lives. I had some in my life, and, it's either words of care, concern, advise or even critics. And I'm so glad that as far as I know, those words remain stay in my heart and mind.

To be frank, I was an empty headed, empty heart-ed. EMPTY.


I didn't know since when, but, I suddenly found my life purpose.

Last night was one of my happiest moment, eventhough, it's one of the annual routine. Now you see, because it is especially an 'ANNUAL' routine, I thought, it should be recognized to be celebrated.
Well, at least, for an empty person like me.

Feeling happy was a rare stuff for me. Perhaps, the moment I got the full 'control' of my life, I started to really find any ways to taste the feeling. And it has to be genuine. That's it. No other rule. Because, Happy is Happy. It can't be Happy is Sad, no.

And it works, al the time. Erm.....can't deny that, money plays role here, and age too. These were what I meant by having a full 'control'.

It's a fact right, the man with the most money, has it all.

And praise be to God, I'm doing so fine in this part. That's it.

Now that I am filled with so much of happiness, the life 'graph' line is getting linear. I need to do extra jobs to make it bend up or down, better up, again, so it'll be much more fun.

And so I did. I can't just be happy alone right? So, I made sure to 'drag' people to feel the same, by doing all I could do. And while doing all that, I made sure that, the core matter, that is, me being happy idea is strongly stays with me all the time. Meaning that, no matter what kind of people that I have to encounter, especially those that do not share the same idea as mine, I won't lose that core.

Not until last night.

Wait, not just last night, to be honest, but only last night that I realized something.

A statement that..........

Can shake my core belief, and eventually, change it, completely...

IF, I don't do anything to retain the core.

Because if I lost the core, there\ll be nothing left in me, except that, I'll be empty again.

The statement......was too cruel......for anyone like the person who said it...can tell me, and I don't know if it ever can be removed from my mind, because it starts to hurt my heart.

If I want to be sarcastic, there here are my words,

"Pity you, that you got dragged along into this for quite years now."


I don't know how to actually end this post, as, I am still feeling the opposite of happy over the statement.


I just will never allow myself to be influenced by anyone that comfortably lead a sad life that they choose to live in. No.


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