
Hey you,

Somebody was unintentionally opening up what I already referred as, forgotten stories, about us. Us.
Haha, us, sounded so scandalous. If only one knew, which include yourself.
Where to really begin this..

Maybe this should be emphasized on, again and again. If we were to still continue the communication, using all kind of latest technologies, especially these days, trust me, we would become the best buddy, ever. Even you'll find that I'm a blessing in disguise. LOL.

Well, yeah, the somebody. She asked, out of blue, specifically, "Did you ever have someone from your past, that you're no longer in touch because of the fact that there's no way it could be done, because, that's that, but suddenly, a third party, informed to you, that, the forgotten person, asked about your whereabouts, how are you, through him/her?"

"No," almost immediately.

So, she continued," Bla bla blaaa, it feels good to know that someone is thinking about us...bla bla bla......."


"I had one."

".....not that I wanted to simply 'nak menang' too, but I really had one," and it was you.

She still continued, " Bla bla blaaa....."

My mind was brought back the final communication, the between, and the start, while I was still keeping up with the dear friend's.

Even now.

You were my good memory. From the core of my heart, you left a good impact to the point that, I got up from my fall, gracefully, and never look back, anymore. Not only impression, but when I've been living with a mindset that, your species are sucks, but you, change it, just like that. Not because you put any effort to do so, but, your language, reflected all, and that was already sufficient for me, to change my mind.

While I am typing these, I don't know whether these will ever reach you, but it doesn't matter. You as a person, is nothing to me, since now and before. But your not-as-a-person that almost constantly manage to impress me.

The ends, since there were two stages of end, were both very rough. But you know something? I was upset, but I also knew that, you knew that was the best for 'us'.

But, to me, I'm still fortunate, as I was so into this friendship, I shall refer it, you didn't just leave me like a trash, instead, you gave me another word of wisdom. And trust me, Buddy, I live with that wisdom, right until this point.

"See you at the top."

How can this word offend me? You had the believe in me, when everyoneelse didn't.

Thinking of all these again, it's no longer necessary. But, when the person opened this thing up, about a third party from the mutual friend list, asked or mentioned something that implied the fact that someone from our past, was thinking about us.

Okey, I'm getting sleepy.

And that's actually my intention. To enter the dreamland immediately.

*p/s: I do really ask the Almighty, to provide you and your whole family all the goodness of the world. I don't even wish to have a physical meeting up with you, in the later days. But all is good with me, and I'm climbing toward the so-called 'top'.

I'm sleepy........


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