
Showing posts from January, 2017


Time flies. Time is expensive than any metals. Time waits for no man, neither a woman nor any hermaphrodite . Time magazine. Time. Time. Time. I'm running out of time. *sigh But I have no choice. I have to keep my pace as how is it now. There are plenty of reasons, because I only have one final shot. And failure is strictly prohibited. Hate me for that, but I can't afford to handle anymore failures. Leave me. As I'll resume life as usual. There was a chance, but I guess, it's no longer there. May God bless each and everyone of us. The reason: Whatever goes up within a short period, goes down very quick, too. Till next opportunity, I'll keep my self shut up.


Since I was a child, I always have a strong feeling. It could be on anything, but here, I would like to type about emotions. I was a sad child. I couldn't handle if anything like madness, anger, pressure, anything, anything as such as that would make me fear. I became mute. Because, there's nothing I could do about it, as, I was just a child. I was small. There's no particular medium for me to release once the day was fed by those mentioned above. But I know, one day, I'll fight back. So today, this year, I'll be 28, I repeat, I am 28 and I'm fearless. It's a practice since the child. But, people are having a hard time to deal with me. And these people are the people who has no choice but to stay near my radar. Especially to those who were the one that exposed to me all the negativity when I was a child. These people, they're almost a chicken in front of me now. As I figured out that, nothing about their last time's behavior is explainable wi...

Happy New Year

It's already half month since it's so fresh, but, who cares, it's still new to me, though. I was sick, really sick for weeks, right after Christmas day off, to be exact. But, it only came to realization right after I got back from work on that final day of 2016. I tried to be cool on the first day of work on that new year, but went back home before the lunch time. One thought that I remember so much during the felt-like-dying moment, "For all the while, I took my healthy time for granted". I think I really did. So now, since I come to live, again; (Alhamdulillah), I think I started to know again, why I live. This year, instead of telling myself I just turned 27, I will say, I am 28. Yes. 28.  What have I achieved? *Traveled alone to foreign country. Checked Haha. That would be the highlight and so new. Anyhow, just to add in some more, something that I can say, I pushed away my fear, so I managed to *Drove 200km/h *Jumped into the water f...