Perancangan Perjalanan Yang Menakjubkan Pt. 2

The third day.

Literally doing nothing. Yesterday was a full packed day. Well, maybe it wasn't that full as we still had some time to take a nap inside our hired-transportation, so, actually the trip is always the one that is 'ikut suke aku' kind of one. We thought that, since we already touched the ground, then it is considered as full as to compare  what other people always do while their stay in here.

The first day was like today, too. The moment we got our room key, we had(or perhaps only I had it) our bath, and straight away separated ourselves from the reality, until dusk. The headache you had after too much of sleeping, was too much. But we human are always an ignorant one. Right now, that same headache comes back, eventhough I promised myself not to repeat after the first. Le friend? Well..... I think she's okey with the ache.

Six months ago, I made the debut for this particular title post. Remember, I told ya I was doing it alone? So, this time, again at outside from my own ground, with so much regret of not coming with me last time, le friend didn't think much of coming along, eventhough her team's Chinese supervisor started to mention stuff like there are still explosive materials hidden inside the soil of the land and these stuff just wait for a random homo sapiens to have contact with them and "kabooooooom!!!!!!!!" and .................

The happiest thing is, we done our shopping for our loves one. She did hers, I did mine. Seriously, at this kinda of moment, the people that we have in our mind, must be very special to us, in our lives. Congratulation to our loves, because, having you all in our thoughts means, we literally love you, something that we genuine of. Ouh, come on, at this age, having a genuine thought or being genuine itself, is so eccentric. So, again, congratulation.


Another personal mark of my life. Ouh my dear future grandchildrens, Opah will always have something to tell you all. Huhuhu. Bear with it, though. Especially, about Opah's life philosophy, that is, 'What you give, is what belongs to you, what you get is belonged to other peeps'. My darlings, Opah want you all to be generous, kind, loving towards others and be the giver instead of the other way around. Because only by doing it, you'll feel wealthy enough. There is one thing a materialistic kinda of peeps will never get as the result of their material-driven attitude, it is called, a pure happiness. Opah will try not to be draggy,so Opah will tell you all, what can a pure happiness can offer. First of all, there are certain stuff you all have to commit on. Like Opah mentioned  earlier, be kind, generous, and do everything good. Second of all, try. Try everything. As we get old by times,  there are certain ideas that the world have planted in the people's mind. Such as, " Life starts at 40.", "Too young, too dumb, to realize.",  "When I was 15, I had my first love, ***then suddenly people started to throw out some random English words.", "Young, wild and free." and etcetera.
But don't ever understand this in the wrong way, okey. So, how? I know what you are thinking, do not worry, okey. Okey, before you are allowed to do Opah's 'Second of all', you have to do Opah's 'First of all', first. Then only, you can try. You see my darlings, we all live in a very judgemental society surrounding, but kid, nothing can change that, so rather, make useful of the above 'tagline' that Opah always called as something that have been planted in our minds, by some random so-called influential humans. Use it well, but always bring along your pure intentions.
Let's talk the truth, no one ever wants to be bad. Even the most villain people you have ever seen, must start off with a pure thought to reach the mission of their life, too. It's just that, through out their journey of reaching it, there must be some sh*tty moments that might have altered/changed the initially-planned, which is the most pure version one. That way, a thought like, "I do good, I get sh*t, so I must stop do good, so......". My kiddies, the after 'so' part, is actually a 'try and error' part. Even the villain himself, doesn't actually know the outcomes. Remember again my 'Second of all?".
What Opah can tell is, the more you try, the more you feel. And when you felt, that will build up your core, and when the core is built, you will become the what we define a human is.

What is human, anyway?

Opah will stop about the philosphy up to here. Unless Opah is still given the opportunity to be alived by the Most Gracious one, Opah will continue in the Pt. 3.

*p/s: If in the Pt.1, you guys Atuk helped your Great Grandma peeling onions, this time, right now he's busying paint your Grand Uncle house's wall. And that's why Opah fall for him. Pfffft. Come on, love is a good thing. And le friend wants to find a watermelon since we bought a knife last night while realizing the finally-we-had-a-packed-meaningful day idea, so maybe we'll do a little stroll around the neighbourhood. I love to act as if I'm a local.

1800 hours local time.


*p/s II: Because of 1.5$, we walked for 45 minutes just now. -.- Thank you, watermelon!

0136 hours local time.


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