Suddenly I feel that I am not allowed to be immature... all.

2015 is almost ended, in less than two weeks.

2014 had been the year where I ignored almost everything about myself, instead I focused on something new and yeah, it was a successful one.

2015. What can I say. I taste the chillin' life, again, after so long. Woohoooo...again, Alhamdulillah.

2016 and future, I will be back on the most 'rightous' path, again, again, too, after so long

And this blog, has been my written 'witness' about part of my life as an immature one, but year after year, one can see how the frequency of the entries getting lesser . Yeah, I wrote stuff, according to the 'motto' above; "The pessimist, emotional, grief, blah blah blah.. girl". Huhuhu. Not that I didn't try to write a positive stuff, will become misleading, don't you think?

So, I'm considering about changing this blog's motto. Hmm...

What about...

"The full with love, a dreamer, but still a trying-hard-in-life girl."




Hey you know what. I won't change a thing in here. It's me. Pessimist is not a crime. I AM an emotional one. Love to grief. Being a negative one is still part of me and yeah, I do trying the hardest in perfectin my life.



I wonder what kind of stuff I'll write from 2016 onwards.
This place is like my personal diary that is allowed to be seen by public. Hohoho. Weird.


2016, let see what we'll become.


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