#perakvacation (13/8 to 17/8 2014)
13.08.2014 Wednesday 2000 hrs I ran out from the building like a Bulls-eye(Toy Story 3), leaving everything behind with my most beloved pink travel bag, my pink bag pack and waited for the bus for almost 5 minutes before I decided to walk with my sole legs and even my colleague was like, Are-you-serious-hun?-Cause-that-is-so-not-real,-cause-it's-so-dark-and-late-and-are-you-freaking-serious? kinda face, and I was like, Yeah-of-course-I'm-serious-DUH-and-I-have-to-cause-I-ain't-gonna-let-the-train-leave-me-again-like-two-freaking-years-ago expressions. Trust me, everything were done using body language. And so, with myself pulling my travel bag, with the most optimist-minded of reaching the KTM Kuala Lumpur station to catch my ETS SILVER train at 2104 HOUR bound to Ipoh, all I can say now, it was a complete pathetic moment of my life ever, yet, very insane. Seriously, I understand my friend's reaction when I told her I wanted to walk from my office building until t...