
Showing posts from December, 2013

Goodbye Mr. Years-Before-2014

Nur Syazwani Ghani Nfive 2 hours ago  via Mobile So, this date is gonna be the very last one that belongs to the year. Have to admit plenty of resolutions are queing up to be realized, and have to agree on the fact that, whatever weirdoS had happened since few years back, its all written by the 'BIG GUY ABOVE'. And rather than keep on 'grieving' over those pasts, maybe just leave it completely to the CREATOR, is the best move. Revenge will just  kill me someday, and it's a fact, I know, but, the desire to do one, is always there. Hmm..I guess, it's not easy to be me. Anyway, did cleaned up all memory cards, to give ways for 2014 future memory to be stored. The best method that I could think of for now, for th moving-on 'event'. Holding grudge? It's a habit you know, so, I'll try to do which is better. Perhaps, let's just do not mess around with each other, that way, no one will hurt. Have to agree, that my acting ability i...

Ulangtahun mereka..

Nur Syazwani Ghani Nfive December 16  via  mobile  ·  Edited Today is the birthday of the two most beloved persons of my life. One is older than me, and another one is much much younger than me. The older one, there was a point, where even me myself, started to wonder, why am I seem to be clinged to her so much, and at some time later, I was reminded with my childhood moments, that I've been spent with the person. We went to Sekolah AgamA at Masjid Abu Ba kar as-Siddiq, Bangsar Baru together and even studied in the same class, even when the person is obviously two years older than me, I still remember few moments, where she got punished by the Khat Class Ustad, and all I could do was to see her, with some other few classmates of ours, sympathy~LY. Then, at my home, we took bath together, even wait till one of the person to finish her 'business' and even kid around with the sound of 'plup' as 'it' made contact with the fluid. Hahaha. We learnt ...