Makna raya dalam hidup saya II
"Orang nak balik raya ni, nak bakar lemang." "Saya half day hari ni, malam ni lah nak balik kampung." ... Those are few remarks that I heard this morning from the we-seen-each-other-almost-everyday people of my life. And, apparently, somewhere near the organ at the chest area had been touched, by those, which led to, a salty fluid secretion at the tear ducts. It was, weird, because, whenever that fluid came out, I must always have a distinct reason, unlike this morning. Raya. Is almost here, again. Gonna be my 26th raya. I experiened the most jollyful raya, and also the darkest raya ever. But, since the last two raya, the feeling, was somewhat, starting to 'fall apart'. Not to say it in a bad way, but, for a person who always prioritize happiness over anything else, I just could not lie to myself that, raya without arwah(the late) Opah( rase kehilangan ), is so 'wrong'. I miss her. And the fact that I haven't seen her for almost two yea...